Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Free: A World Alone

     If i had to live on my own...let me try and paint a picture.  I'd wake up to some strange noises because I'd have to live in an apartment in a terrible neighborhood so I could afford rent. I'd do everything in the morning all alone, which actually might be refreshing since I love to blast music in the morning. Get my self to school,with an uninsured car because it'd be to expensive to pay.  Go to school and do the normal routine: class, sleep, talk,try and learn, sleep and then go to another class. Then the real crazy change would begin after school. After school, I would go straight to basketball for three hours, start my first job at maybe a coffee shop or a  restaurant. After that ended I'd probably have to go to a second job and work until early hours of the morning. After a long rigorous day at school, practice,and work, I'd have to find some hours to sleep and do homework.Life as a teenager would quickly slip away and I'd be forced to mature into the adult world way to fast.
      I think it would just be best if I stayed at home with my family. The reason i posted this was because, I recently took this into consideration. Life is not the greatest at home ( no one worry, nothing to extreme). I guess adults might say that it's just another conflict between teen and parent but there's nothing normal about the fights. But throughout my thought process I realized, I need to just mature and push through this year. I know this sounds superficial but I need the financial support of my parents during this expensive year and I need the INDIRECT love they provide me with, like a house and food. It shall be one long ass year....

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