Wednesday, September 21, 2011

FREE: My Day

            I am currently sitting on my bed, eating a bowl of ice cream, and wondering what the hell to write about.  Earlier I tried to write about my dream world, school, just life in general, and a whole bunch of other things but I just can’t seem to think of anything.
            Well, if you wanted to know how my day went, it went well. Wednesdays are my best days. English, Drama, Leadership, and I get out at 12:42….can u say nap time at 1? My sister is jealous of me for it, but she’ll soon see the light at the end of the tunnel when she becomes a senior. Tonight I have two back-to-back basketball games. I couldn’t be any more excited though. If I could only do any one thing for the rest of my life, it would be to play basketball. I’m hoping I play well today, so I can send this game out to college coaching. I’m hoping the rest of the week will continue like today. Friday the seniors have an assembly, it’s the Island Bowl, and Saturday is Senior Banquet.
The Island Bowl is the best game all year. One reason is, because a large majority from both schools attends the game. Two, because its another reason to stay out with my friends all night. Three, I know this is not good behavior to encourage, but it is entertaining watching people get so into the rivalry that a fight breaks out.  And Senior Banquet is one of the events I’ve been looking forward to since my freshmen year. I have an adorable pink fitted dress and it is another excuse to just look cute for the night. Well it is almost time for me to start getting ready for my game. Ta Ta for now. See you tomorrow third period. 

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