Wednesday, September 14, 2011

BC: Maybe good can come from bad

Common App: Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.
      I would consider myself a well known and well liked person in my community. I participate in athletics, I’m the Associated Student Body President, and I have a wide variety of friends. Just like everyone else, there are many people who don’t like who I am because I am not perfect and not all personalities mesh. Although I never would have thought the person who would hated me the most was my best friend.
     I never went a day with out talking to my best friend. In most ways we were the same people. We were two emotional and outspoken individuals,who were not afraid to be anything less then themselves. In other ways we were the complete opposite of each other. I was focused on striving for for my best in my education and athletics, and he was striving to barely get by. He was focused on having fun and living life like a party, I was to busy and serious to let go and enjoy myself. These opposites made us grow much closer to each other, I made sure he got his homework done and he helped me let go of a lot of my stress. We were apart of one anothers families and nothing could change that. I finallly blessed with the true definition of a best friend. Unfortunately, that changed quickly. We both did hurtful things to one another, but I thought if we apoligzed, our relationship would heal.
     After a few weeks, I decided it was time for me to apologize. He took the apology and slapped it right back in my face. He acted out by turning into the stereotypical cyber bully. Because we were so close,we told each other everything. He was the only person who knew my deepest secrets and everything else about me. I found that a lot of my personal information was being spread around the internet and I was getting called hurtful names. My heart was completely shattered. I emotional shut down and had no idea what to. Retaliating only helped to escalate the problem and crying alone did not help. I was in a state of disbelief and I had no idea where to turn.
     Being disrespected and emotionally abused by the person you trust the most is the biggest dilemna I’ve faced. I had a break through when I finally realized that mopping would not fix anything. I had to forgive him, for myself. I’ve been bullied before and I do not think this will be the last occurence of me being bullied, but I will no longer let myself be the victim. I turned a horrible situation into the start of a learning process for myself. I cannot let others words affect me so greatly. I have to believe in who i am as a person and not let others degrade me.I am proud of who I am and will no longer let other peoples words define me. I am me and I am strong.

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