Wednesday, September 21, 2011

RE: Stupid Bullies

Vicky Hoang took the words right out of my mouth.
I don't understand what goes on in people's minds when they talk down on other people. When they call them fat, ugly, skinny, flat, dumb, and way more. [...] And most of all, cyber-bullying. I truly hate this. I hate what people do these days. People go and kill themselves because of these heartless jerks. How does that make you feel? Shitty, I hope.
You know when you grow and teachers tell you the bullies are just self conscious and don’t know how to deal with it? It’s the truth! Bullies are usually so miserable in their own lives that they take it out on others to bring them down with their suffering. The key is to not retaliate because then you let the bully win. They get the satisfaction of you becoming upset and the bullying will just continue.
I agree with Vicky that the worst form of bullying is cyber bullying. The internet is such a harmful tool to help bring down a person. It gives people who don’t have the balls to say it to the persons face the ability to do so. I’ve never been a person to hide behind the computer and post information to bring people down. It is the stupidest thing anyone can do.
This year I’ve had to deal with a lot of cyber bullying by a few immature boys. What I have to say to them is, “I am not all these hurtful things you call me, I am the best person I can be, and I am happy with that. Haters are going to hate. They’ll hate me, shake me, and may even break me, but how I recover is what makes me. Thank you for helping make me a beautiful, independent, and strong woman.” This is my greatest advice I can give to any teenager being bullied. IGNORE IT! We’re all special in our own different ways, embrace it. Remember that not everyone is going to always like you but those are the people that make you fight even harder to survive.

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