Wednesday, September 28, 2011

CE: Barbarians

     In the this article, it is discussing  whether or not they will release the gruesome pictures of Bin Ladin. I think that anyone who is in favor of is crazy. I am not a terrorist and I was very affected by the attack on September 11, but I do not condone the celebration of death. Yes, he did lead a terrible attack that cause many deaths but do two wrongs make a right? NO it doesn't and if you believe that two wrongs make a right you're stupid! Why would anyone want to see ugly pictures of someone who has been shot in the head. President Obama publicly confirmed that bin Ladin was killed, I am satisfied with that announcement. Mr. Sutherland's class last year talked about this issue and thankfully agreed with me. It is barbaric, gross, and just wrong to want to celebrate over a dead body.
     I think my opinion would have been the exact same if I had lost a family member or friend in the twin tours. I am just completely baffled that people celebrate death in the way they are doing it with bin Ladin. I understand many mothers, father, sister, and brothers were lost that day but if my sister was in the World Trade Center, I would be focused on praying to her in heaven and not dwelling over seeing essentially her killer or not. I hope Americans grow out of this disgusting barbaric phase and realize how ridiculous it is to see a picture of a dead body.

1 comment:

  1. i think you're definitely right. the things that he did were terrible, but everyone deserves a little dignity in death.
