Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Free: Stop Acting Like a Stupid Ass Victim

     Since we just came from class where we had discussion that I feel very passionately about, I though I'd continue it on my free post. Oscar Grant vs. Officer  Mehserle. A case in  which I think gained a lot of publicity because of race. Officer Mehserle was one of the responding officers to a fight at the BART station. Grant and friends were resisting the officers as they tried to detain them. So in order to gain control of the situation, Officer Mehserle claims he reached for his taser so he could tase Grant. He accidental grabbed his gun and shot Grant in the back. Grant was pronounced dead the next morning at the hospital. I completely believe and support Officer Mehserle. Oscar Grant was a thug, he knew what he had got himself to.In an article about Grant, it states:
Grant served several months in state prison in 2007 and 2008. The Department of Corrections didn’t disclose the offenses for which Grant was sentenced. Records at the main Alameda County Courthouse in Oakland indicate that Grant had 12 separate cases between April 12, 2004, and May 8, 2008.
Grant had a record, he knew not to resist the police and put his hands in his pocket. I honeslty believe Mehserle ment to pull a tazer.
     I hated how this case turned into such a huge race thing. If a white man was in the situation as Grant, I think the same ending would have happened. Just like  in the whole Occupy Wall Street protests, people of color always want to be the victims. Stop being the victims! You're just trying to draw too much attention yourselves. Also, the protesters for Oscar Grant did not help anything at all, parading around like a bunch of thugs just helps Officer Mehserles case.

On a random note, Sutherland said something about all the funding going to police in Oakland and not to helping the impoverished. They need all the funding for police because of all the damn thugs in Oakland. Oakland is almost up to 90 homicides this year and it's only October. Stop acting stupid and you'll get some funding people.

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