Friday, October 21, 2011

CE: The World Can't End Today Because It's Already Tomorrow in Australia

   Since I want to stay as far away as possible from the Occupy Wall Street argument, I think it would be a fabulous idea to talk these earthquakes we felt today. Today at about 2:40 an earthquake hit with a magnitude of 4.0. There was an after shock of 3.8 at 8:15. Come on Californians, do you not know that you moved into earthquake country? After reading this article, I can not believe how much people react.

   How can you move to California and truly be afraid of an earthquake of 4.0? Mike Taugher, the author of the article, interviewed the manager of a convenient store. The manager stated many customers were visibly frightened. When the earthquake hit in my class, I started laughing. I did the same thing when the after shock occurred. Living in California I feel like they go unnoticed a lot and I do not lose sleep over earthquakes. Especially since there are not many major earthquakes. I am glad we do not live in hurricane or tornado country, because I would lose sleep over that.

     The only thing that is a little erie about the whole thing is that crazy man who says the world says the world is supposed to end tomorrow. Who knows, it could be true with all these natural disasters happening. Also, the 1989 earthquake was during the world series time and guess what is going on this week? The World Series. Who really knows? Maybe the world will end tomorrow. If i really believed it would though, I would not have studied for three hours for AP statistics test or stayed up doing the rest of my homework until 1 am. Well, hopefully I get to spend at least the next year with you all.

1 comment:

  1. "Maybe the world will end tomorrow. If i really believed it would though, I would not have studied for three hours for AP statistics test or stayed up doing the rest of my homework until 1 am."


    I was just having my sophomores writing about a piece of advice from Steve Jobs, which boiled down to, "When you wake up every day, imagine it will be the last of your life. Then as yourself, 'how do I feel about what I'm about to do today?'" Some folks had a similar tone to what I see you write here...
