Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Re: Life ups and downs

     I wanted to respond to Alison because we are best friends and I mean were best friends for a reason right? Because we are super similar. She states in her post about escaping reality:
Have you ever wished you could escape from reality for awhile? If things could be better than how they are now at least for awhile? Maybenot have the perfect life, but just be free and do what you want.[...]But some days I feel lost. Like I really don’t belong here.
I feel like this all the time. The world would be boring if everything and everyone was the same and if we had a manual to tell us what to do in every situation, but sometimes you just wish someone else understood what you were going through. I think part of it is us learning how to grow up and get through our rough teenage years but damn.  
     My entire junior year was like this. My boyfriend and I of two years broke up (thank you jesus haha), I had to stress over the SATs and ACT, my family situation was never very settle, and I was stressing to keep up grades and get recruited for basketball. When things begin to build up, I tend to shut off from the world. I am a person who wears her heart on her sleeve, but when it becomes to personal, I don't let anyone know. This is especially makes me feel like I am so different and distant from the world. I just feel like no one can handle what I'm going through. Then I think to myself, I am blessed and fortunate of my life. People are going through far worse then me.
    This year, my life motto has completely changed. I am a stress free senior who is living. I don't dwell over stupid boy drama or over stress about school. I think I've probably added 10 years to my life without all the stress. Remember smiling is a natural medicine :)

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