Thursday, October 13, 2011

CE: Babies

     The ability for women to decide whether or not they would like to keep their baby is so important. Accidents happen, paying for an abortion can be a much smarter decision then paying for 18+ years of a child's life. Making the decision can be extremely difficult, but for Harriet Stinson, there was no doubt that she would get an abortion. Stinson is an advocate for women's choice of abortion. She has started Planned Parenthood and family planning organizations. You can learn more about Stinson and her work at this article.
     I think everyone should be in favor of pro choice. Women who have been raped, sexually abused, and even just got pregnant on accident should have the choice whether to keep their baby or not. Would you rather kill a fetus or not be able to provide for the child to the best of your ability for the rest of their life? I think if I was to get pregnant now, there would be no doubt in my mind that I would get an abortion. I am 17, I want to attend college, and establish a well grounded life before I have a child. People should not encourage unwanted pregnancies because it just will lead to the worst. Teenagers and rape victims are a perfect example of people who are not ready to be mothers. I don’t really understand the arguments against pro life. If anyone is against pro life, Please comment. I would like to start a debate

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