Thursday, October 20, 2011

FREE: Part of Growing Up

     Becoming a senior has probably been one of the greatest accomplishments I've achieved so far in my life. I am no longer as stressed out as I usually am, I am not so uptight about everything, I am learning how to just let go and have fun, and I am learning how to not care so much about what people think. It is a wonderful feeling to feel so relaxed and mellow. Now, senioritis is some what coming into play but even over scheduled and self motivated teenagers need a break and some fun right?

     The greatest things about becoming a senior, is how much experience and information you have gained since your freshmen year. Coming from junior year, where I took three AP classes, leadership, basketball, and numerous other activities, I am no longer a crazy chaotic person. Granted I am still taking two AP classes, leadership, and basketball, I have learned how to deal with it all. I understand it is still important to keep my grades and put my full effort into everything I do, I now know it is not the end of the world if I do the absolute best at everything.
     With my stress level going way down, the emotional aspect of my personality has also mellowed. I am a girl who wears her heart on her sleeve and I am proud of it but I have learned how to control them. Growing up helps you put everything into perspective so much more clearly. Every melt down is no longer the end of the world and I am so thankful I have begun to realize that.

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