Friday, October 21, 2011

RE: Future Fam

     Babies, babies, babies. Is it weird to say that I have been thinking about babies a lot lately? No, I am not pregnant but I think they are the most precious little creatures. Lauren, in one of her posts, talks about taking care of her cousin and how adorable they can be.
I was holding him and while talking to my aunt, I laughed. He saw that, and mimicked me. It was so damn cute.
I can relate because I have a two and a half year old niece, a six month year old nephew, and I am expecting another niece or nephew within the next year. Being that figure they look up to is so rewarding. Knowing how much my niece loves to be around me is an amazing feeling. I cannot believe how easy Lauren thinks it is to take care of a baby because my niece is a little demon child. I mean, I love her to death but she hits, pinches, and wants to eat or go to the bathroom every five minutes. I guess it is all part of love.
     Ever since my eldest sister got pregnant again, I think about having my own family some day. It is so much to fantasize about. If I could live in a perfect world, that I hand chose my life, I would have two boys and two girls. I think family is the most important aspect of life. Taking care of someone who is so dependent on you is one of the greatest gifts you can give someone. Being a mother. If I had nothing else but a family that loved me and I could love them unconditionally, I would be completely content.

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