Friday, October 21, 2011

CE: The World Can't End Today Because It's Already Tomorrow in Australia

   Since I want to stay as far away as possible from the Occupy Wall Street argument, I think it would be a fabulous idea to talk these earthquakes we felt today. Today at about 2:40 an earthquake hit with a magnitude of 4.0. There was an after shock of 3.8 at 8:15. Come on Californians, do you not know that you moved into earthquake country? After reading this article, I can not believe how much people react.

   How can you move to California and truly be afraid of an earthquake of 4.0? Mike Taugher, the author of the article, interviewed the manager of a convenient store. The manager stated many customers were visibly frightened. When the earthquake hit in my class, I started laughing. I did the same thing when the after shock occurred. Living in California I feel like they go unnoticed a lot and I do not lose sleep over earthquakes. Especially since there are not many major earthquakes. I am glad we do not live in hurricane or tornado country, because I would lose sleep over that.

     The only thing that is a little erie about the whole thing is that crazy man who says the world says the world is supposed to end tomorrow. Who knows, it could be true with all these natural disasters happening. Also, the 1989 earthquake was during the world series time and guess what is going on this week? The World Series. Who really knows? Maybe the world will end tomorrow. If i really believed it would though, I would not have studied for three hours for AP statistics test or stayed up doing the rest of my homework until 1 am. Well, hopefully I get to spend at least the next year with you all.

RE: Future Fam

     Babies, babies, babies. Is it weird to say that I have been thinking about babies a lot lately? No, I am not pregnant but I think they are the most precious little creatures. Lauren, in one of her posts, talks about taking care of her cousin and how adorable they can be.
I was holding him and while talking to my aunt, I laughed. He saw that, and mimicked me. It was so damn cute.
I can relate because I have a two and a half year old niece, a six month year old nephew, and I am expecting another niece or nephew within the next year. Being that figure they look up to is so rewarding. Knowing how much my niece loves to be around me is an amazing feeling. I cannot believe how easy Lauren thinks it is to take care of a baby because my niece is a little demon child. I mean, I love her to death but she hits, pinches, and wants to eat or go to the bathroom every five minutes. I guess it is all part of love.
     Ever since my eldest sister got pregnant again, I think about having my own family some day. It is so much to fantasize about. If I could live in a perfect world, that I hand chose my life, I would have two boys and two girls. I think family is the most important aspect of life. Taking care of someone who is so dependent on you is one of the greatest gifts you can give someone. Being a mother. If I had nothing else but a family that loved me and I could love them unconditionally, I would be completely content.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

FREE: Part of Growing Up

     Becoming a senior has probably been one of the greatest accomplishments I've achieved so far in my life. I am no longer as stressed out as I usually am, I am not so uptight about everything, I am learning how to just let go and have fun, and I am learning how to not care so much about what people think. It is a wonderful feeling to feel so relaxed and mellow. Now, senioritis is some what coming into play but even over scheduled and self motivated teenagers need a break and some fun right?

     The greatest things about becoming a senior, is how much experience and information you have gained since your freshmen year. Coming from junior year, where I took three AP classes, leadership, basketball, and numerous other activities, I am no longer a crazy chaotic person. Granted I am still taking two AP classes, leadership, and basketball, I have learned how to deal with it all. I understand it is still important to keep my grades and put my full effort into everything I do, I now know it is not the end of the world if I do the absolute best at everything.
     With my stress level going way down, the emotional aspect of my personality has also mellowed. I am a girl who wears her heart on her sleeve and I am proud of it but I have learned how to control them. Growing up helps you put everything into perspective so much more clearly. Every melt down is no longer the end of the world and I am so thankful I have begun to realize that.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Is there a right and wrong way to hire?

  Hiring to fit a specific “type” has and will always be used to build an image for a company. All kinds of companies have tried hiring certain types of people to increase customer satisfaction. For many companies it is very successful, for others it is not, and for some companies it goes unnoticed. Every company has an idea or image they want to portray and they have the right to do that anyway they want. Giving a company it’s image is done by hiring a certain type of person, giving the product a certain style, and advertising the company in a certain way. If people are able to create their own self image why can’t a group of people working together create an image for their company?
    Clothing stores, like Abercrombie and Fitch, are not the only stores that hire certain images. For example, stores selling athletic equipment and athletic gear usually have very fit looking and athletic people. Abercrombie and Fitch has become such a big target for hiring based on an image because people tend to see it as a race issue. Abercrombie and Fitch tend to employ skinny, Caucasian, and blonde women, and tall, muscular, and Caucasian men. More people make it a bigger deal when it seems like a race issue compared to it being a stereotype issue. Most people do not complain about clothing stores hiring “punk” employees in edgy clothing stores or athletic stores hiring athletic looking people. Someone always complains when they feel like people of different culture are being discriminated against or attacked. Different people analyze situations much differently. Some people may walk into Abercrombie and think that the employers are only targeting young and beautiful girls to work there, others may walk in and think they only want Caucasian people to work at the store. Both of these different people may complain about the issue of targeted hiring, but the argument that race is a factor will always be the most popular argument. More people find it offensive if someone is hiring a certain race then just a general type of person. As long as a company is not trying to form something like a racial supremacy group or discriminating against buying customers, companies should be aloud to hire and create whatever kind of image they would like for their company.
    Hiring a certain type is a very strategic move to gain more customers and earn a larger profit. If an employer wants to attract a lot of men in to their company, they are going to hire a lot of young and beautiful women. If a company wants to attract punk groups, they will hire a group of pierced and tattooed employees. Employers want to sell their company as best as they can. They want the most popular inventory, the greatest ads, and the hottest staff. Many customers are all about buying into “the image.” Especially teenagers want to dress in the hottest clothes and the newest trends. The newest trends are set by the coolest stores and the coolest stores have the best overall image. Only the smartest and best advertising companies become the “it” trend for teenagers. The way to do that is to find any way possible to attract customers. Whether people agree or disagree with employers hiring a certain type, they still are going to purchase the clothes in order to fit in with the hottest trends.
    Hiring to support a company image could either be very helpful or a complete waste of time. Customers always start by going window shopping, looking from store to store to see if the certain stores have things they would like to purchase. When you window shop, people do not go through every magazine to find the latest ads, analyze the type of management, and then see if they like the clothes. The clothes are always what brings a person into a store. Ads are not necessarily always the best indication of the store and what the store sells. For example, Abercrombie and Fitch does not always have models in clothes in heir advertisement. Many customers do not over analyze whether or not the store clerk is a boy or a girl, black or white, or skinny or fat.  Some customers go into store just because they like the style, the fit, and the look of the clothing. People buy clothes because they want to buy the clothes. Customers will even return multiple times to the store just for the clothes even if they do not like the service. Customers may either dismiss the stereo type of the store or just not notice it.
    To many people creating an image of a company by hiring a certain type of workers is a great strategic move, others may think it causes a lot of acts of discrimination and increases situations of unfair hiring. Whether one thinks it is wrong or right to hire a certain type of person, the opinion does not matter. It is companies rights to be able to hire how ever they would life. Everyone’s daily lives is about images. Everyone judge others and classify them as an image.  People act, dress, talk, and do everything a certain way. Whether it was an image they created themselves or an image they are imitating off of someone else, everyone has the right to create images and so do companies as well.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

CE: Babies

     The ability for women to decide whether or not they would like to keep their baby is so important. Accidents happen, paying for an abortion can be a much smarter decision then paying for 18+ years of a child's life. Making the decision can be extremely difficult, but for Harriet Stinson, there was no doubt that she would get an abortion. Stinson is an advocate for women's choice of abortion. She has started Planned Parenthood and family planning organizations. You can learn more about Stinson and her work at this article.
     I think everyone should be in favor of pro choice. Women who have been raped, sexually abused, and even just got pregnant on accident should have the choice whether to keep their baby or not. Would you rather kill a fetus or not be able to provide for the child to the best of your ability for the rest of their life? I think if I was to get pregnant now, there would be no doubt in my mind that I would get an abortion. I am 17, I want to attend college, and establish a well grounded life before I have a child. People should not encourage unwanted pregnancies because it just will lead to the worst. Teenagers and rape victims are a perfect example of people who are not ready to be mothers. I don’t really understand the arguments against pro life. If anyone is against pro life, Please comment. I would like to start a debate

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Re: Life ups and downs

     I wanted to respond to Alison because we are best friends and I mean were best friends for a reason right? Because we are super similar. She states in her post about escaping reality:
Have you ever wished you could escape from reality for awhile? If things could be better than how they are now at least for awhile? Maybenot have the perfect life, but just be free and do what you want.[...]But some days I feel lost. Like I really don’t belong here.
I feel like this all the time. The world would be boring if everything and everyone was the same and if we had a manual to tell us what to do in every situation, but sometimes you just wish someone else understood what you were going through. I think part of it is us learning how to grow up and get through our rough teenage years but damn.  
     My entire junior year was like this. My boyfriend and I of two years broke up (thank you jesus haha), I had to stress over the SATs and ACT, my family situation was never very settle, and I was stressing to keep up grades and get recruited for basketball. When things begin to build up, I tend to shut off from the world. I am a person who wears her heart on her sleeve, but when it becomes to personal, I don't let anyone know. This is especially makes me feel like I am so different and distant from the world. I just feel like no one can handle what I'm going through. Then I think to myself, I am blessed and fortunate of my life. People are going through far worse then me.
    This year, my life motto has completely changed. I am a stress free senior who is living. I don't dwell over stupid boy drama or over stress about school. I think I've probably added 10 years to my life without all the stress. Remember smiling is a natural medicine :)

Free: Stop Acting Like a Stupid Ass Victim

     Since we just came from class where we had discussion that I feel very passionately about, I though I'd continue it on my free post. Oscar Grant vs. Officer  Mehserle. A case in  which I think gained a lot of publicity because of race. Officer Mehserle was one of the responding officers to a fight at the BART station. Grant and friends were resisting the officers as they tried to detain them. So in order to gain control of the situation, Officer Mehserle claims he reached for his taser so he could tase Grant. He accidental grabbed his gun and shot Grant in the back. Grant was pronounced dead the next morning at the hospital. I completely believe and support Officer Mehserle. Oscar Grant was a thug, he knew what he had got himself to.In an article about Grant, it states:
Grant served several months in state prison in 2007 and 2008. The Department of Corrections didn’t disclose the offenses for which Grant was sentenced. Records at the main Alameda County Courthouse in Oakland indicate that Grant had 12 separate cases between April 12, 2004, and May 8, 2008.
Grant had a record, he knew not to resist the police and put his hands in his pocket. I honeslty believe Mehserle ment to pull a tazer.
     I hated how this case turned into such a huge race thing. If a white man was in the situation as Grant, I think the same ending would have happened. Just like  in the whole Occupy Wall Street protests, people of color always want to be the victims. Stop being the victims! You're just trying to draw too much attention yourselves. Also, the protesters for Oscar Grant did not help anything at all, parading around like a bunch of thugs just helps Officer Mehserles case.

On a random note, Sutherland said something about all the funding going to police in Oakland and not to helping the impoverished. They need all the funding for police because of all the damn thugs in Oakland. Oakland is almost up to 90 homicides this year and it's only October. Stop acting stupid and you'll get some funding people.